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Isobathymetric line simplification with conflict removal based on a B-spline snake model

TitleIsobathymetric line simplification with conflict removal based on a B-spline snake model
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsGuilbert, E, Lin, H
JournalMar. Geod.Mar. Geod.Mar. Geod.
KeywordsGIS and oceanography, Cartographic generalization, B-spline curve, snakes, smoothing, maritime GIS, nautical chart

This paper introduces a new method for the smoothing of isobathymetric lines formarine
chart construction. Specific constraints have to be observed as the chart must be legible
and safe for navigation. The method, based on a snake model, respects these constraints
of legibility and safety which impose a direction for curve deformation. Conflicts such
as self-intersections are also considered. These two points are the main contributions
of the paper as current methods cannot deal with such constraints. Several case studies
are presented and results obtained on real data are discussed.

Short TitleMarine GeodesyMarine Geodesy
Alternate JournalMarine Geodesy