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Filters: Keyword is GIS and oceanography, mapping scale, seafloor, geologic habitat, interpretation, classification, GIS, Multibeam bathymetry, terrain analysis, scale, habitat suitability modelling, and Author is Iampietro, Pat J.  [Clear All Filters]
M. A. Young, Kvitek, R. G., Iampietro, P. J., Garza, C. D., Maillet, R., and Hanlon, R. T., Seafloor mapping and landscape ecology analyses used to monitor variations in spawning site preference and benthic egg mop abundance for the California market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and EcologyJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and EcologyJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 407, pp. 226-233, 2011.