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New grid of Arctic bathymetry aids scientists and mapmakers

TitleNew grid of Arctic bathymetry aids scientists and mapmakers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsJakobsson, M, Cherkis, N, Woodward, J, Macnab, R, Coakley, B
JournalEOS, Trans. AGUEOS, Trans. AGUEOS Trans. AGU
Pagination89, 93, 96
Keywordsseafloor mapping, multibeam bathymetry, oceanography and GIS, GMT, IBCAO, Varma, helical-hyperspectral (HH encoding), Intergraph, Larry Mayer
Short TitleEOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union
Alternate JournalEos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union